
Exhibition tour of Land Marks: Contemporary Photographs from the AGW Collection
by Professor William Starling

Sunday, May 6, 2012 | 1 pm

Second Floor StreetSecond Floor

The Art Gallery of Windsor, SB Contemporary and Dodolab are pleased to announce the impending visit of the eminently knowledgeable Professor William Starling to the city of Windsor. A direct descendant of the small colony of European Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris) introduced by eccentric drug manufacturer Eugene Schieffelin to New York City's Central Park in 1890 and 1891, Prof. Starling has been discretely visiting Windsor over the past two years to study and converse with the vast local flock of his species. While studying the starling community around Windsor's Ambassador Bridge, the situation on the adjacent Indian Road with its long line of boarded up and empty houses came to his attention. Professor Starling will offer tour of Land Marks: Contemporary Photographs from AGW's Collection from his unique inter-species perspective, where he adaptation to changing environments and the phenomenon of "invasive species" and habitat loss (his areas of expertise).


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