SESSION 28: Compassionate Care Cards

Create a card that exudes the warmth and gentleness that you may need as we move into a new season. 

It is always a nice gesture to offer kindness and warmth to others, an act that is greatly accepted by our society. Yet, how often do we offer the same loving-kindness for ourselves? During times of transition, it is important to carve out space to offer oneself self-compassion and warmth. An intimate gesture that we often take for granted!

This creative session is an ode to self-care. Begin the session with a heart-warming meditation, and learn new art-making techniques using a variety of different art supplies (and items you can find around your own home!). We will practice honouring our needs and being compassionate to ourselves and others! We can’t wait for you to join us for this heart-felt session! 

Suggested Materials: 

  • Paper (The thicker the better! Ie. cardstock, watercolour, drawing, paperboard from cereal/bar boxes etc.)
  • [Optional: Pre-cut paper into card like sizes, feel free to use recycled artwork as the base of your cards as well]
  • Mark Making Tool (Paint, pastels, markers, ink, etc.) 
  • Mixed Media (Magazines, old photographs, books, fabrics, stamps, etc.)
  • Scissors
  • Glue 

Art-Making Option #1:

I am worthy of love

I am worthy of happiness

I am worthy of success


  1. Create a card for yourself to celebrate who you are. 
  2. Fold your paper in half and decorate the outside of your card with colours, lines, and images that celebrate you. Express your love, gratitude, and congratulations with everymark. 
  3. Inside the card, write a note to tell yourself how much you love and appreciate you. Don’t hold yourself back. This is a chance to say something to yourself you wouldn’t normally say. 

Art Making Option #2: Intuitive Card Making

  1. Listen to a variety of songs that match your current “felt sense”. 
  2. Respond to the music by creating marks using colours, lines, and a variety of techniques. 
  3. Look at the design created. Notice if a specific symbol, pattern, or design wants to emerge. 

Journal Response:

  • I noticed…
  • The colours I used…
  • After reflecting on my journal entry, I believe the wisdom of my body is..

Mindfulness Check In:

  • Imagine a space you can visit in your mind, when you want to spark creativity. This is a safe space free of inner criticism, stress, and any burdens you may have right now. What elements need to be present to create a nurturing, creative space? 
  • Are there certain colours, textures, and shapes that feel soothing to you?
  • Perhaps there are certain movements that feel soothing to do, like rocking your arm back and forth to create slow, rhythmic, figure eights or semi circles. 
  • Are there any objects that make you feel safe right now? See if you can invite them into this space. 
  • See if all of this feels right to you. Does it need something else? Does it honour your intention to create a safe space just for you? 
  • Take a few more breaths here. Come back into the present moment. 
  • Are there any aspects of your imagined creative space that you can bring into your actual space right now? Take a moment to grab them if need be, or feel free to journal/or respond through art making what this space may look/feel like for you.



Taking Care: Where Art Meets Wellness is supported by the Solcz Family Foundation.