SESSION 35: The Rise & Fall: Exploring the Depths of our Existence

Living a full and vibrant life requires a depth of experience that is only possible when we are brave enough to open our hearts. This opening leaves us vulnerable to both highs and lows on our life journey. We may love deeply, yet also experience great pain and suffering. 

This session welcomes the many moods and movements that we experience in life. As Francis Weller recites in The Wild Edge of Sorrow (2015),  “Grief is the dark colour that adds depth to the canvas, providing contrast and texture. Without these tones, our lives would be flat and uninteresting.”

This session will explore the importance of a life that includes both periods of ascension and descension. We will welcome all aspects of our stories as necessary parts to the whole! Play with value, contrast, textures, and their complementary relationship to one another. Allow this process to be one that is soul-fulfilling and deepens your sense of aliveness! Know that all pieces of your story are worthy of love. 

Look at the artwork by Allyson Clay, Tears, 1990, and think about these questions: 

  • What do you see? What elements do you notice or recognize?
  • What does this artwork make you think of? How does it make you feel? 
  • Do you notice the contrast between the panel on the left and the panel on the right? How are they different or the same? 


Suggested Materials: 

  • Paper
  • Mark making tool: Pencil, markers, etc. 
  • Optional: Paints, string, clay, printmaking, etc. 

Mindfulness Check-In: Drawing Your Breath 

Art-Making Process

  1. On your paper, draw your personal holding space. This space can be a simple shape outline or a personal symbol or icon. 
  2. Explore your relationship to both the “rise and fall” aspects of life. Consider what colours or symbols represent the contrast between your own rise and fall, light and shadow, ascent or descent. 
  3. Add visual supports that represent a holiness or sacredness to you. This could be images, text or other elements. 
  4. Keep in mind your own personal journey. Where are you currently located on this journey? What are some challenges and sucesses? 
  5. Create a piece of expression, through imagery, story, song or whatever medium works best for you that locates you or your relationship to the rise & fall. 


Taking Care: Where Art Meets Wellness is supported by the Solcz Family Foundation and by the Ontario Trillium Foundation 

Taking Care: February 13, 2022Taking Care: February 13, 2022